9 tips guaranteed to make you love your home

Whether you’ve just moved into a new space or have been in one for a while that — no matter what you do — still doesn’t feel like home, it’s not always easy to settle down and lay roots. But studies show that a stable living situation will help you soar in all other aspects of life.

To turn your house into a home, all you need is to inject it full of your personality. And we’ve got just the tips to help you do that.

1. Rethink your furniture

Okay, you inherited that chair from your aunt or it’s the first table you bought after college… it doesn’t mean you’re stuck with them forever. Mix things up without breaking the bank thanks to community pages like FaceBook Marketplace and Kijiji, an eco way to breathe new life into your home with a few new finds — all the while passing your pieces on to new owners who will love them.

2. Clear the clutter

Sometimes a jumbled mind is just the side effect of a messy space. Make sure you have enough closed storage (dressers, armoires and sideboards are great) so that you can clear your surfaces and put things away, each in their proper place. Under-bed storage bins are also amazing space-savers.

3. Fix the little things

The time has come: this is your sign to finally tackle those projects or DIYs that have been on your list for way too long. Whether it’s a faulty door handle, that loose tap or a fraying rug, it’s time to get crafty, call upon friends, watch some tutorials and find a way to get that list crossed off. Your sense of accomplishment will be worth it.

4. Hang great art

A house doesn’t really become a home until you recognize yourself in it, and there’s nothing that adds more personality to a space than art that you love. Our art prints come in all styles and sizes, from mid-century chic to beachy to quirky and cute, plus we’ve got the frames you need too. For extra oomph, dare our extra-large format or choose one of our new works on canvas.

5. Swap out your colours

If you feel disconnected from your space, it might simply be a matter of hues. Give every room of your home a quick lick of fresh, warm-white paint for that clean-slate feel that you can then dress up however you like. Want a focus wall? Pick a happy paint colour that resonates with you, or wallpaper a section of a room with one of our rental-friendly peel-and-stick wallpapers — so easy to apply and remove that you can change your mind anytime.

6. Upgrade your hardware

They seem like such an afterthought, but all the knobs, handles, towel racks and hooks in your house make quite an impact when they’re upgraded to something stylish and fresh. Pick a retro design to give your home some old-school cachet, or a sleek minimalist style to make them melt into the background. There are even some in the shapes of animals. Go wild.

7. Step up your stairway

If you have a stairway anywhere in your house, did you know you can create your own bespoke stair runner by mix-and-matching shorter rugs? Whether you use vintage Persian rugs or cute contemporary ones you find on sale, pick a selection that looks good together and staple-gun them onto your staircase. The trick is to start at the top. Look to YouTube for a whole bunch of tutorials.

8. Corral your cables

It’s crazy what effect low-grade visual disorganization can have on headspace. Do yourself a service and order a cable organization system. You can find whole kits for cheap online, or do a DIY version by putting tech like your modem, router and TV box into pretty baskets, with the cables coiled neatly inside. 

9. Wallpaper your fridge

Hear us out: the average fridge is at best, bland, and at worst, an eyesore. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones who have a pink SMEG, give your fridge front an upgrade by wallpapering it with one of our peel-and-stick wallpapers. We think this one or this one would look particularly hot.